CVR Run Club Route – Thurs, Dec 7

CVR Run Club Route – Thurs, Dec 7

Hooray! Thursday's forecast calls for clear skies! It will be chilly, of course, but at least we will avoid rain this week.

Runners and Run/Walk 6:1 will return to the good ol' Nightingale route. The full route is 9.5K. The 6:1 Crew can turn around at the Cobble Hill Rd stop sign for 8K. Let's skip the trail to Shawnigan Mill Bay Rd, and just use the highway bridge to avoid the muck.

I feel like mixing it up for the Run/Walk 2:1, so we're going to do a separate 5K loop through Mill Springs. See it here.

As usual, we depart from the shop at 6 PM sharp. If you want to come try us out for the first time, allow extra time to fill out your registration form. Better yet, fill it out in advance and bring it with you! Download it here. All speeds welcome, strict no-drop policy. Leave your pace worries behind!

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